How to Prevent Bacteria from Growing on Your Dentures

Posted on: July 4, 2016 | Blog

Dentures in a glass of water

Proper storage of your dentures is essential to maintaining a good fit and long life. Good storage techniques also help to minimize the amount of bacteria that can grow on the dentures. If you notice an increase in bad breath, a strange texture on your dentures or you are getting sick more than usual, your dentures could have a bacterial plaque. Your provider of dentures in Las Vegas can remove the plaque if these storage techniques are not thorough enough.

Clean Water

Most dentures can be safely stored in a glass of clean water overnight. This water should be room temperature. Hot water can melt or disfigure the plastic parts of the denture. You can use tap water or bottled water. Do not leave the dentures in the water for more than 12 hours.

Denture Cleansers

You can also store your dentures in a special denture cleaning solution. These solutions contain enzymes that help to break down food particles and bacteria. Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging. Some denture cleaners work best when the dentures are brushed after soaking. Do not make your own denture-cleaning agent. Harsh chemicals like peroxide, rubbing alcohol and mouthwash are not meant to be a denture cleaning solution.

Where to Soak the Dentures

Another important part of denture care is where you put the container for overnight soaking. Keep the dentures away from places where the container could be spilled. The dentures should also be kept away from sinks and toilets. A flushing toilet can spray germs into the air. These germs could then land on your dentures, making you sick when you return the dentures to your mouth. A bedside table or the top of a chest of drawers are good places to put your dentures for an overnight cleaning.


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