How to Help Your Child Prepare for Braces

Posted on: November 6, 2023 | Blog

how to help your child prepare for braces

Orthodontic treatment, often involving braces, is a rite of passage for many children. While the prospect of straighter teeth is exciting, it’s normal for kids to feel a mix of emotions about getting braces. Parents’ support and guidance play a crucial role in helping your child prepare for this orthodontic journey. Let’s explore some ways to help your child prepare for braces and make this process a bit easier.

10 Ways to Help Your Child Prepare for Braces

1. Discussing the Need for Braces

One of the best and perhaps most important ways to help your child prepare for braces is to discuss with your child why braces are important. When your child understands how braces can help them and they enthusiastically participate in the process, this will make the process much easier.

Explain to your child that braces can help correct misalignment, address bite issues, or enhance overall oral health. Ask your child how they feel about braces, and if they want to get them or not. Children often get braces at around 14 years old, which is old enough to understand the process and the potential benefits. If your child isn’t ready for braces, give them time to think on it.

2. Early Conversations and Setting Expectations

Communication is key. Start discussing the idea of braces early on. Explain that many kids go through this process to achieve a beautiful and healthy smile. Be open to answering questions and addressing any concerns your child might have. Setting realistic expectations about how long it takes braces to straighten teeth, and potential discomfort. When it makes sense, explain how braces work and what this process entails.

3. Choose the Right Orthodontist

Finding the right orthodontist is crucial. Look for a professional who not only has the necessary expertise, but also has experience working with children. A friendly and approachable orthodontist can make a significant difference in your child’s comfort level and overall experience.

4. Pre-Braces Dental Check-Up

Before getting braces, your child should have a thorough dental check-up. Addressing any existing oral health issues, such as cavities or gum problems, before starting orthodontic treatment is important for a smooth process. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children visit an orthodontist at 7 years of age, which can help your child get used to visiting the orthodontist, and also provide important information about their teeth early on.

5. Discussing Brace Options

Braces come in various types and styles, from traditional metal braces to more discreet options like ceramic braces or clear aligners. Discuss these options with your child and consider their preferences. Feeling a sense of control over their choices can empower your child and make them more cooperative throughout the treatment.

6. Emphasize Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial, especially with braces. Help your child understand the importance of brushing and flossing regularly to prevent plaque buildup and potential dental issues. Consider investing in tools that make it easier to clean teeth with braces, such as floss threaders or interdental brushes, to make cleaning around braces easier.

7. Plan a Fun Shopping Trip

Turn the preparation process into a positive experience by planning a shopping trip for orthodontic supplies. Let your child choose a fun toothbrush, flavored toothpaste, and perhaps even some colorful orthodontic bands. Making oral care enjoyable can motivate your child to be proactive about their dental hygiene during the braces journey.

8. Stock Up on Brace-Friendly Foods

Braces can make certain foods challenging to eat. Stock up on soft, braces-friendly foods like yogurt, applesauce, and mashed potatoes for the initial days when your child may experience some discomfort.

9. Encourage a Positive Mindset

Finally, emphasize the positive aspects of getting braces. Discuss the exciting milestones, such as choosing colored bands or celebrating progress during follow-up appointments. Encourage your child to see this as a unique and temporary phase on the path to a confident and beautiful smile.

10. Provide Support

Some discomfort is expected with braces, and some children find this more challenging than others. If your child complains of pain from braces, empathize with them and provide ways to reduce pain and discomfort when wearing braces. Over-the-counter painkillers and sleep aids can be helpful, as well as distractions, soft foods, cold foods, heating pads, and other remedies.

Helping your child prepare for braces involves a combination of education, communication, and positive reinforcement. By actively involving your child in the process and addressing their concerns, you can transform the journey of getting braces into an empowering experience that sets the stage for a lifetime of oral health.



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