How Much Do Dental Veneers Cost?

Posted on: April 11, 2020 | Blog

dental veneersIf your teeth are cracked, chipped, or discolored, veneers can be a good dental restoration option. Many people are apprehensive about how much dental veneers cost, but it is possible to work veneers into your budget.

As you consider dental veneers, it’s important to know the different types of veneers available and what this process requires, as well as the cost.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin layers of ceramic material or resin that go over the visible portion of your teeth. These materials are cut and shaped to replace chips and gaps, or cover cracks and stains. Dental veneers are cosmetic, so they’re mainly used to restore the appearance of your teeth, not their function. If your teeth are damaged, veneers are probably not a good option. How much dental veneers cost depends on the type of veneers you get, which we will discuss later in the post.

A Veneers The Same as Implants and Crowns?

Dental veneers, implants and crowns are all different. A dental veneer is a very thin layer over the visible surface of the existing tooth. The other tooth structures beneath are all still present, and must be healthy for a veneer to work. Dental veneers are cosmetic, and aren’t intended to restore the tooth’s structure.

A dental crown is a cap cemented over the tooth that covers it completely. Though the tooth root still exists, other structures above the gum line may have been damaged, and the cap crown will replace them. Dental crowns can be used when a tooth is deeply cracked or damaged by decay. The crown will replace the tough outer surfaces of the tooth, and protect the sensitive inner structures.

A dental implant completely replaces a tooth, including the visible portion of the tooth and the root. In this case, the tooth may have been removed or lost due to decay or damage. The dental implant replaces the visible portion of the tooth with a crown and uses a connector piece called an abutment to replace the tooth root.

When to Get Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are not suitable for everyone, but there are some cases where they are ideal. Since dental veneers are used to restore the appearance of your teeth, there are a few scenarios where they work best.

You should consider dental veneers if:

  • A visible tooth or multiple teeth are slightly cracked, chipped, discolored or misshapen
  • The teeth are still functional and healthy
  • You do not have periodontal disease or another dental health condition
  • You do not bite your nails or grind your teeth

Keep in mind that dental veneers are permanent. Though they are very durable and can last up to 25 years, they are not as tough as the natural surface of your teeth. They may require some repairs, especially if you are prone to nail biting or teeth grinding.

Resin vs Ceramic Veneers

There are two main types of dental veneers; resin and ceramic. They are both applied through a similar process, though there are some differences between them. Both processes require removing a layer of tooth enamel to ensure the veneers stick to your teeth. This process is not reversible, so both types of veneers are permanent.


Resin veneers are generally easier to apply, and don’t take as long. Your dentist will remove a layer of enamel from the visible surface of the tooth so the resin sticks and fits properly. A special light hardens the resin, then your dentist shapes and polishes the resin. This process can be completed in one or two dental visits. Resin veneers are easier to apply, but may not be as durable as ceramic veneers.

Ceramic or porcelain veneers use a similar process, with one extra step. Ceramic veneers are thicker than resin veneers, so your dentist must remove more tooth enamel. Then, your dentist will take a mold of your teeth, which will be used to construct your ceramic veneers. You may have a temporary veneer in the meantime to protect your teeth. At your second visit, your dentist will fit your permanent, ceramic veneers to your tooth or teeth. These veneers take longer to apply, but they are generally more durable.

The Cost of Dental Veneers

Resin veneers are typically more affordable than ceramic veneers. The cost of dental veneers varies by type, as well as where you have this procedure done and how many teeth you wish to cover. Veneers can cost anywhere between $900 and $2500 per tooth. However, a payment plan can help you work this procedure into your budget.

Work with an expert to ensure that your veneers are applied properly. If your veneers don’t adhere to your teeth properly, bacteria can become trapped underneath the resin or porcelain. Without a layer of enamel, the inner structure of your teeth will be exposed.

If you are considering veneers and you are worried about the cost, ask your dentist up front about how much veneers cost. Ask about dental financing options as well, and see if you can work this amount into your budget. Make an appointment today to learn more and see if veneers are a good option for you.


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