Your Dental Task Force

According to, and other reputable research have shown, one of the top reasons patient change dentist is that they have had bad experiences with the front office team.

Our team has firsthand experience in the struggle between ensuring great customer service and prioritizing administrative tasks. We have a combined experience of 29 years in dental operations, with emphasis on front office operations and Revenue Cycle Management. We know it can be difficult to provide that personal touch with patient care when your team is confronted daily with having to juggle their priorities between one of these three tasks: Answer incoming new patient calls, creating the patient experience for existing patients, and handling all insurance company related tasks including confirming eligibility, claim tracing, payment posting, etc. We can all agree that each of these areas is a priority, we cannot build a successful practice without bringing in new patient flow, maintaining the loyalty of your existing patients, and ultimately receive payment for the services you’ve provided.

Our team at BDG Coaching not only has a deep understanding of the critical impact each of the above possess, we also recognize how each process is intertwined, and the chain effects it causes when any of the areas above is not properly executed. This deep understanding of our industry is what brought us together to create BDG Coaching.

Our extensive experience in everything insurance related such as eligibility and benefit verification, claim management, payment posting and other areas, give us the unique competitive edge to create a dental task force for our clients. We aim to remove the most manual and time-consuming aspect of your daily operations. Imagine your team working at an efficient capacity, as they are no longer tied down with lengthy phone calls with insurances, buried by mountains of dental claims or credentialing paperwork; or glued to the computer to post insurance payments by month end. Instead, they can shake that new patient’s hand as they walk through your door, and invest the proper time to give financial options to increase your case acceptance. This change will lead to that precious growth in your new patient numbers, because your team can focus on creating happy referring patients.  This is the image we are here to create for every one of our clients.

As you can see, BDG Coaching is created by dental people, for dental people. Our promise to our client is to be laser focused on any services we partner together on.  Our services will not be a financial burden for you, but instead we will add tremendous value to you and your team on your way to building successful and efficient practices. BDG Coaching is your dental task force.

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